Best SEO Practices in Domain Name Registration

Your business domain name is one of the single biggest factors in determining your Google ranking, and also an important method of making a first impression for your customers. Many companies simply register '' - but if you want to make the biggest impact on your SEO rankings, you'll need to put a bit more thought in than that! Today we check out the best SEO practices for businesses about to undergo domain name registration.

Use your business name and your keyword
The ideal choice for a business starting up a new website is to create a domain name with a combination of their business name, and their keyword. For example, a company named 'Sparkle' that sells kids' stationery could use the domain However, there will probably be some cases when this isn't appropriate, for example:
  • The name of your business combined with your shortest possible keyword is more than 40 or 50 characters, and
  • You can't (or don't want to) shorten your business name to an acronym
  • Your business name already contains your keyword (for example,

Choice of domain extensions
Domain registrations are fairly cheap, and domain redirections are a simple affair for most SEO companies. That's why companies are invariably recommended to purchase most conceivable alternate extensions for their main domain name registration. In addition to the dot-com extension, you'll want to get:
  • .org
  • .net
  • .com plus your local extension - for example, .uk, .au or .sg

Registering additional domains
Most online marketing blog guides to choosing business domain names will tell you that you should also register misspellings of your domain name. This isn't a bad idea - however, there's no need to go crazy with registering additional domains. It will be a cold day in hell before a spammer or trickster takes the time to actually replicate your entire business website convincingly. If people mistype your domain, most will simply hit the back button and try again.

The market is undecided on hyphenation. There is little additional SEO benefit (if any). Some people believe it looks neater, some people think they're clunky to type. Given that the default is for people not to use hyphens, it is probably better to ignore them ... unless you were planning on using a domain like or (an Italian power generator company!)